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We making love in the bee tree.


How many do you see, feel or hear?


Beware of the eyes for they do tell lies, an augmented reality based on the past receptivity. How much do you give in to the stories we tell and where do you draw the line, literally, in the sand to begin again and move onward my brethren. It is time for onward.


The beetle clings delicately to the round clump of dirt its pinchers reaching out off the edge of Earth failing to detect if safe land is nearby. And why would it stop its track here, for even if it backtracks it will still find a new path. There is no such thing as being stuck. The tall grass sways, duck and weave and eventually you’ll find your way somewhere. If this is the right place is not for you or me to be determining, just noted and agreed that the exploring is not over. Merely having the inclination to continue the exploration is enough. Be content with the full cup. To life, health and breath, to having nothing left to do. To you and the summer solstice, may we begin anew.

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